Standard sizes
Our wallpaper is available in many sizes. You can order the wallpaper in a width of 4 to 11 sheets. We can also supply all designs from the Mono collection & Pattern collection in intermediate sizes: 4.5 sheets, 5.5 sheets etc.
Tip: construction drawings sometimes contain wrong measurements, we recommend that you always measure the wall in the house.
If you want the wallpaper to be wall-fitting, you will need at least 2.5 cm (1") of extra wallpaper all around to be able to correct for any skewed walls. Add 5 cm to the exact length and width of your wall. We recommend this margin because walls are often not completely straight, sheets are sometimes not applied completely straight and there may be a little shrinkage during the production process. If you take a 5 cm margin, you can be sure that the wallpaper is not too small.
This means that if you have a wall of 340w x 260h cm, our size 340w x 260h cm is too small. The chance that you will get this perfectly fitted is really nil. We advise to choose a size wider and higher.
Usually the size of your wall is closer to one of the many sizes offered than in the extreme example above. For example, you have a wall of 345w x 262h cm. First add the margin of 5 cm, then you get 350w x 267h cm. Then choose the wallpaper size that is just above it, in this case 365w x 270h cm.
The net difference of wall and wallpaper is 20 cm in width and 8 cm in height, this is your margin. In most cases you divide that margin evenly, so you start applying on the left at about 10 cm from the first strip. You also divide the margin in height evenly, so about 4 cm above and below.
If the required size is considerably larger than what you actually need, details may be lost. This mainly applies to the smaller formats. The best thing to do is to take a good look at the first and last strip in advance and decide before you start sticking how the wallpaper, in your opinion, comes into its own.
Please note: You only do the real cutting of the margin after you have applied the wallpaper. Only then will you make good use of your margin and the result will be a wall-filling wallpaper. Compare it to the bottom of a pie. You first put the dough in the mold and only then remove the excess dough.
Below you can see exactly what is cut away from a wall of 345w x 262h cm with a wallpaper of 365w x 270h cm. You can apply this principle to any format.
- 5x Repeating Mural - Forest Animals blue | 584w x 241h cm | C&B
5x Repeating Mural - Forest Animals blue | 584w x 241h cm
€ 4.235,00